Top 5 Spots for Profile Pictures in Los Angeles

Visitors and Locals alike, gather around all ye and feast thine eyes on the best spots in Los Angeles where you can snag a great profile pictures.

Los Angeles is a tourist haven. With its incredible beaches and palm trees, it is hard for any traveler to resist its charm. Like it is these days, everyone wants to capture a moment to act as a memory of the places he has visited. Most of these photos end up as profile pictures on social media sites. When you visit LA, there are several spots where you can have your profile picture taken. However, we are not going to look at all of them since they are many. Instead, we are going to focus on the five most exhilarating spots that even the locals cannot resist. 


Bronson Caves, Griffith Park

If you are a passionate hiker, there is no better place to have your profile picture taken than the Bronson Caves. The tunnel through the caves lets in natural light to pass through a pitching dark interior hence creating amazing silhouette photos. You can capture any form of motion speed as long as you set your shutter speed to avoid blurriness. What’s more, Bronson caves, also known as “Batcave” were featured in the first Batman series in the 1960’s. 


The Chandelier Tree

Located on Silverlake on someone’s property, the Chandelier Tree is one of the most magnificent spots in LA. When the lights kick on in the evening, you can view the tree as soon as you get into the city streets. In addition to being a great spot for profile pictures, it is also suitable for holding a date night. There is also a donation meter in front of the tree which is a good way to give back to the community. 


Echo Park

Have you ever seen sunset or sunrise skyline photos and felt that you would love to take one? Well, Echo Park, LA gives you a perfect opportunity to fulfill this desire. Although the park has plenty of excellent views, the most astonishing is on the north end of the park. The end which overlooks downtown LA presents a perfect spot for capturing the iconic LA skyline for your profile picture. 


Arts District 

If you are looking for a fun doubled with colorful photo, then you should consider heading to the Arts District. At the back of the Springs Vegan restaurant, there is the most famous polka dot mural artist in the city. The mural as a few missing dots and all you need to do is connect those dots to come up with the most amazing profile picture. 

St. Monica Pier

This is one of the most popular places in Los Angeles that every tourist and local dream of visiting. The pier is also a perfect spot for profile picture photography, and especially if you can manage getting there just before sunset. At this time, the sun ray creates long shadow mixed with gorgeous lights that will make your photo amazing. 

 With so many breathtaking profile picture spots, all you need is have an excellent camera and an experienced photographer to help you capture every moment spent in any of these spots.